Inside her knitted sanctuary
Table by Jael

She had only found someone outside of her newly found sanctuary a couple of times now. One had been Kaena, one of the past leaders of Inferni, and now this wolf. She inspected them carefully, looking for any minor detail that might alert her to who they were. She was a little worried, with a stranger snooping around outside her dwelling. Was it someone looking for her, or someone looking to get inside to get at the things that she owned? She never could tell, with this city.

She gasped when the female announced herself and turned--she could hardly believe it. The other had left and she hadn't expected to ever see her again. She came closer as well, heart pounding. How long had Urma been back? Surely she had heard of what had happened to Naniko, her falling from grace in Crimson Dreams...but the other seemed happy to see her, so maybe not. "I do remember. It's been a while, huh" She nodded at the offer, lowering her head so that Urma could slip the blankets off. "What are you doing back around these parts? You've found my home--I live in this shop now."


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