these demon days

Heyya Lin, mind if I join? I need the post count and I figure Asariel needs to get to know Jeff anyway ^^ Be warned though, I'm not the best RPer.

The young woman trotted, on two legs naturally (rarely was the woman in her wolf form) through the heavy rain, her ears pressed flat to her skull. She hated the rain, the cold, and the wet. Her usually tan-colored fur was now resembling wet sand, and it was pressed close to her body. She paused her slow running for a minute to shake the excess water off of herself before continuing. Where she was going she rarely knew. Asariel never seemed to go anywhere with a purpose, it was always because she either had to (Well that counts as a purpose) or because she was just wandering.

Asariel seemed to have a lot on her mind lately. Lysander, the whole fiasco with Ty, the pack's first was all one big mess, swirling around in a vortex that much represented a hurricane of the brain. As she wandered, the girl noticed her pack leader, Jefferson amongst the striking flowers. She wandered closer, investigating. "Oh, hello there sir," she said, her voice containing nothing but respect and mild admiration. Asariel really knew nothing about the old brute; just that he was extremely scarred up and that he was their Patriarch. She wandered around so that she could see his face and so that he could most certainly see her. She knew she wasn't really presentable -- as wet as she was. But the rain came from Heaven, and Heaven is where all good things originate, after all.


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