the song remains the same
Ty's face slightly drooped upon hearing that his father had left for good. It certainly wasn't the best news he heard as of late. He had just gotten back from fighting wars in other countries as a mercenary, sailing, doing honest paying work, only to return home to his father who had decided to leave. Ty looked to the ground and sighed upon hearing this news, for a second, he did really look sad. However, Ty quickly shrugged it off as he did everything else. There was no use crying over something that had already happened, and he couldn't change, the best thing for him to do was move onward with his own life, even if his father wasn't here. Ty had made enough friends here on his own to call this place his home, and he now served as one of Phoenix valley's few soldiers and warriors, he couldn't leave now even if he wanted to.

He looked to Jeff with a bit of anxiety though, Jeff was getting old, would he really be able to handle the pack on his own without his father? DaVinci, as emotionally taxed as he was, helped out many of the wolves that stood here today, or so ty had heard. Each wolf he had talked to had spoken about his father as a great man, making Ty worry about the pack morale upon his leaving. Would DaVinci leaving impact the pack in a bad way? No, Ty couldn't accept that, wouldn't. He'd do what he could to keep the pack together, to keep it strong, he'd try to fill the hole his father had made, not the leadership position, but simply the feeling that someone was there for the others to talk to, to depend on for protection, to be a friend. Ty wanted to simply help in any way he could, and seeing as how his greatest talent was being a warrior, he would use his fighting talents to attribute to the pack, and perhaps when he was older, train a few of the others to fight.

When Ty heard that Geneva was no the sub-leader, Ty had no objections to that, to be honest, Ty wouldn't have pictured anyone better for the job. Geneva had a calm demeanor, a clear head, and a warm personality, something to balance Jefferson's rather brutish manner and asshole attitude, though both were great and esteemed leaders, they would compliment each other perfectly. In Ty's mind, Jefferson couldn't have picked a better sub-leader, a yin to his yang perhaps. He looked Geneva's way and nodded in acknowledgment "I bet you'll fill the position better then my father ever did." Ty said with a small bow to Geneva "And I'll follow you just as loyally as I would follow him."

Turning off the slight sentiment he had in his voice, he grinned his usual charismatic grin and said "So this is a celebration right? A party? Well come on then! We'll have to do something to celebrate!" He got to all fours and wagged his tail. "Perhaps some fun and games? Some feast of some sort? Anything would be fun!" he then quickly regained composure, trying to act older then he was again, he would always mix being mature and being childish, as he was at that age where the two would seem to mix up.

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