Crossing the Frame
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Ember peered at him through the darkness, trying to figure out the wolf's identity. "Who are you, anyway? Who sent you into Aniwaya?" It was probably better to question him and find out information first before she made any final decisions...things that she did could effect Aniwaya as a whole, not just her and this wolf. If he was from some pack that might retaliate against her for what she might do to him...

They had a prison for these reasons, though--she could keep him there until he cooled down and let him out in the morning after he'd thought about things for a while. She could gather a few packmembers to help her see him off, so that he wouldn't turn on her. Bayard shook his head once the rope was off of him, refusing her order to go back to the stable. He eyed the mare that stood over Heath's shoulder, whinnying lightly to her, beckoning. Join him! Come and run through Aniwaya with someone who could keep up.


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