the song remains the same
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Addison didn't realize until she arrived that she didn't know a good majority of the members sitting before her father. She stood in the back, having arrived late, listening to what he had to say. She had been outside of the territory, coming back from Dahlia, when she had heard the howl...and it had taken her a little while to get there even at a run. The girl was on four-legs as usual, not having learned to shift yet, one blue and one yellow eye taking in the crowd, then the man at the front.

He spoke of Geneva, noting her as his second-in-command, and her eyes swept to the gray female. She didn't look terribly surprised by this, and Addison shouldn't have been surprised by it either really. Jefferson did spend a lot of time with Geneva, she'd noticed. Addi had been spending more and more time outside of the packlands, though, as the wandering teenager that she was, so she hadn't realized that Geneva would be next in line. It wasn't a bad thing...just a little bit of a surprise. To her it felt like something that brought the gray wolf even closer to Jefferson...which she didn't know how she felt about.

An enthustiastic member to the front vowed loyalty to Geneva but she kept her mouth shut for the time being. What should she say? She already did follow Geneva anyway...She cleared her throat, then spoke. "Yes...congratulations. I'm sure you'll do a good job."

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