the song remains the same

Asariel kept her spot beside Ty, remaining silent as she observed. There were several faces she did not know, yet some that she did. Ty, of course, Addison, who she noticed in the back, Rendall, Anya, Jeff...She blinked in mild surprise as Lysander showed up. A grin spread across her face as her heart was suddenly lightened. She flicked an ear in Jefferson's direction as he spoke, mentioning Geneva as their new sub leader. She smiled at the female in respect and dipped her head, murmuring a soft welcome. She looked forward to meeting Geneva in the future; she was almost nearly accustomed to the pack and its members, though there was still a part of her that warned to stay away, only because what happened if she didn't fit in? She would spend her days away from the rest of the family and that wasn't how she wanted it to be, not in the least.

She stared, green and blue eyes opened wide as Ty began getting very exuberant, exclaiming that they should celebrate. Well indeed they should, she noted. The pack was officially a year old and though Asariel hadn't been part of it for too terribly long, she felt the need for her lately-troubled spirit to lift. She smiled at Ty, who had now composed himself. "Excuse me Ty, I'm going to mingle a bit," the young woman said as she trotted over to Lysander. A coy grin spread across her face as she plopped herself beside him. "So, Mister Lysander." she said, her eyes glittering with mild excitement. "What have you been up to lately?" It felt...almost homey being in such close proximity with the male. She sighed softly. So confused had she been the last few days after her meeting with the strange man. He was mysterious and she felt automatically drawn to him, but she couldn't help but wonder...



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