We’ve Unlocked Pandora’s Box
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... table_.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
The second pup is a fraternal twin, and is a girl, ^=^ And she has coyote colours that darken to a black on her back and tail. And Cwmfen is only having two pups, no stillborns or anything, ^=^~

The slight pause that had existed between the expulsion of the first and the laboring over the second had made exhaustion evident to the black fae, but she did not relinquish in her efforts. And still there had not been enough time between the first life and the life of the second yet to be given. That guiding voice of instinct had moved her to go to the care of the pup that lay still within the sac upon the soft foliage, but it had been silenced by continuing contractions. While events occurring about her had little consequence upon the expelling of the second life, had Alexey not been present, the life of the first may have been lost. Amidst the ending of one push and the beginning of another, the Caregiver’s voice was brought to her on the brightening air of dawn. Briefly the laboring fae was able to feel relief, for, to her, beautiful meant that the pup was not deformed and would have a chance to be strong, to survive against the forces of nature. As the woad-marked woman rest her head upon the earth, she looked up to Onus without the frosty, feral fog of a primeval wolf, a faint smile flickering there and a quiet curiosity too.

The warrior undertook the same strategies she had utilized in the whelping of the first, but the life did not come as quickly. Perhaps it was that exhaustion that was so unlike the exhaustion of other worldly phenomena, but life came more slowly. Gathering her thoughts above the primeval mind, she drew her will about her, determined to deliver the life without incident. And with a final exertion, her efforts and pain soundless now, the second life finally slid from her body. But her body was not yet done, and she worked still without pause to expel the two placentas that had nourished the lives within her. The woman felt her body move inside, as if things that had been out of place were returning to their original shape. A quiet breath was released by the woad bound maw as her body was permitted to relax. The white orbs closed as if to gather her mind, to quiet the needless ferocity within her for she was among those that cared, and they would not hurt her. Cwmfen’s grasp on Onus’ hand loosened, her breathing growing quiet once more. She could hear the night air, and she could hear it leaving as dawn rose. And she could feel the glowing light of dawn and the rays diluted by the thick foliage of the old forest.

Hardly any time had passed since the whelping when the warrior, her muscles completely laxed, underwent the change. The body of a woman became the body of a wolf. Full exhaustion set in, the trembling of her body apparent only through touch. But she did not yield. With that ethereal grace that rarely was absent, she lifted her head, her eyes opening as she looked briefly to Onus, although the peculiarity of their different shapes was not apparent to the wolf. Turning her body, she twisted to find the second pup, tearing as Alexey had the sac. Briefly, she beheld the first pup already having been freed and offered a short but deep bow of thanks. Gently, she licked the pup clean, allowing her to breathe. And with the quiet urgings of instinct receding to the back of her mind, she cleaned the place of birthing as well, devouring the sacs and chords and placenta, absorbing the nutrients of her own blood in the way she was meant to. And only then did she return to the pups, laying at their side so that they may drink and feed and be warm, her maw lowering to lick them, to stimulate them.

But she paused, the woad bound maw lifting as the white eyes beheld both. A male and a female. But that was not had made her still. The warrior’s heart quivered with the impact of what she saw: the male’s colouring. Like a pied crow. Immediately, she turned to look at Onus once more, a flicker of uncertainty and confusion, perhaps even awe, passing those eyes. But there was something else. The second pup, the female. Her colouring was not of her own, nor of her father or mother, or of any wolf. The colouring belonged to a coyote. These pups did not belong to the crow wolf. These pups belonged to Onus.


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