agent double zero.
[html] ... -table.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:235px; background-position:bottom center; background-color:#000000; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#FDBC43; line-height:16px">-Squeak.- Sorry about the delay, a whole bunch of random shit happened at once x_x

------What a motley crew, he mused to himself, though the thought was not without some degree of endearment. In several ways he was reminded of Inferni. They all came from different and muddied backgrounds, and that was what made them unique as a group. Perhaps Kaena's instinct had been right--this place really didn't seem half bad. Were it not for Svara's pesky meddling, he might even consider himself satisfied with what he'd seen already. The Miracles canines seemed laid back and... Woah! Well I'll be damned.

------His eyes widened imperceptibly as he caught a glimpse of Ruri's (his had been attracted to the movement of hers, and he'd finally caught the tell-tale milky hue). So she was blind, eh? Anselm felt a mixture of feelings in response to this realisation, first and foremost that he felt less vulnerable. It wasn't that he'd felt threatened before, exactly, but it was in his (opportunistic) nature to note any and all weaknesses in others (as they translated into advantages for himself). Moreover, he was struck again by the decency of the Kingdom--it was certainly "nice" of them to adopt those who were handicapped into their ranks, whatever that counted for. Hmm... perhaps it just meant that they were strong enough to defend, even with such a burden? Then again, who knew? The third thing he felt was some kind of deep, subconscious respect for the border collie mix. Life was tough enough to begin with, much less minus a sense. Anselm couldn't imagine how useless he'd be without his sight. The girl had pinpointed them easily enough, so that counted for something, right?

------All of these thoughts occurred to him more or less simultaneously, within a span of a few seconds. Thus, when prompted, the hybrid didn't miss a beat: "I'm Anselm. It's a pleasure, Ruri; Haven." Was it really? Close enough. Things could certainly be much worse. With that in mind, he decided to steer the conversation back on track. His purpose had been stated clearly and they both seemed willing to cooperate--excellent. Anselm hated pulling teeth, though he would if he had to. "Hmm, well.. what if members don't have any particular area in which they shine... just the basics. Do you offer training? How about for younger children?" he wondered aloud, working off of their previous topic of discussion. The working assumption was he had few skills--in reality, he was just trying to get a handle on their militant capabilities. "Things were very rough in my birth pack for pups not sired by the Alpha," he added solemnly, just for a bit of flavour. It wasn't even a stretch--it was damn true. It seemed his birth pack had been much more animalistic than any of the packs around here. "Are the youth here descendants of the Crown alone?" he wondered further, though the answer to this question had no bearing on anything. He had to throw in a few of those just for good measure.

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