cramming the world into a (phrase)

There were a thousand holes in his memory, some intentional, some not. And he couldn't tell them apart anymore. There were things he wanted to remember and couldn't while other things jumped at him with every blink of his demon red eyes, presistent and laughing. What had happened? What had happened indeed. Corona had asked the same. And others, he was sure, though he had forgotten them already. Piper? Who else even knew? What had happened/ He knew; he didn't know. He denied it; he denied he was denying it. But it was a stupid reason anyway. It shouldn't have mattered. He had accepted it. He had accepted it. So why should it continue to affect him so much?

I don't know, he answered dully. Was it the truth? These sorts of truths were subjective anyway. I'm just a fuck up, that's all. He had no pride to protect; he just didn't know what he could say. He couldn't explain himself to himself.


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