looking for a chance to stray

OOC: ::Word Count: 400+

Urma felt pleased that Gotham was having fun. It seemed the least she could do, cheering up Savina's pup. After all, his mother had a lot on her mind, and this way at least there was someone to keep an eye on him, and maybe keep him busy until he was exhausted enough to nap in the afternoon. Of course, for now he seemed very eager about their little treasure hunt, so to say, and that was just about enough for Urma. Pups had a sense of gratitude in them that made them appreciate the small things quite easily. Of course, her steps were slow as she let Gotham win with an impressive advantage, and when she was finally at his side, she made to nuzzle his neck, unsure however of how he would react. "Congratulations! I didn't even see you fly by so fast. If you'd have wings, you'd be just like them," Urma said, indicating the dragonflies with a motion of her muzzle.

She watched him stick his head in the grass, scaring the dragonflies out into the open, and she couldn't help but smile at the innocence of it, the sheer happiness it brought to his features. She watched the four insects as they circled their way around their heads, without flying very far away, however, as if they were pleased to make Gotham's acquaintance. Of course, taking into account how adorable he was, it wouldn't have surprised Urma if that were the case. She stuck her own nose in another patch of grass, managing to startle two dragonflies out of their shelter, and she turned in Gotham's direction to see if he had spotted. In the meantime, the two dragonflies she had startled were flying towards the lake, and she pointed towards them excitedly, trying to capture the small wolf's attention. The insects were keeping close to one another, almost as if trying to protect each other. "See, Gotham? They're flying together, wanting to keep an eye out so nothing happens to the other. Just like Mom and Dad, huh?" She smiled a heartfelt smile, although it pained her to think that she could have had that with Pilot as well. But this was no time to let Gotham in on her feelings. She wanted to keep him happy. "You know what that means, don't you?" She took another step towards the pup, smiling playfully. "It means they have small little dragonflies just like you! Want to find them?"


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