Music Feeds My Soul
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WC: 300+

OOC:Sorry about the wait D:

Amata always knew how to cheer up the giant. As a matter of fact, pups just seemed to know how to cheer everyone up. That is, unless you where some grouchy old man. Pups where so adorable and said the strangest things. He had once been an adorable little pup, back before life happened. He remembered wagging his tail and skipping along. A tiny black pup with stunning yellow eyes, without a care in the world. Just him and his parents living in a cave on the side of the mountains. He missed those days, the innocent days. A small smile graced his lips as he let Amata be her pup self. He simply nodded at her attempt at saying Violin, and once more when she wished he could be older. His ears lifted at her pout, had he upset her. Patting the girl on the head and sighed, "Every pup wants to grow up. But trust me, you'll grow up when your ready and then you'll be able to play before you know it." His golden eyes shifted to the side.

Should he? The little girl could use a bit of an adventure and purhaps he could give one to her. Then again, the passage was a secret. "Follow me Amata." He said calmly and he got up from the piano bench. "Tell me, what's been going on in your life, love?" He questioned with a glance and wink down at the tiny pup stopping in front of a picture. The frame was abnormally large, a portrait of what was a simple sean of a gate leading to a garden. He paused and look at the girl and squatting down to be more level with her. "I have a secret I'd like to share with you. Just between you and me. I keep my treasures in this secret place where no one can get to but me." Well, that wasn't really true, it was only a three number code, anyone with enough patience could figure it out. "Would you like to see it if you promise not to tell anyone about it?"


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