When you thought you'd seen it all..
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Jefferson appeared slightly disgruntled, still groggy from sleeping. She couldn't hide the small smile that came to her fact at his comment. As he turned to look out the window and ponder the endless downpour of rain, Geneva reached up to gently smooth her fingers through his tangled hair and sweep it out of his face. It was a tender, private gesture - one of the scant few that they had shared since the weeks that had stretched between their last truly private meeting.

With DaVinci's departure, there had been precious little time for them to see each other, except for in passing from across the borders or the hallways as either of them came or went. But this did not bother Geneva. She knew that there was much to be done, and wanted to ease the extra burden on the Patriarch in any way possible. And she was secure and content in the knowledge of the way he felt, and did not doubt him. She did not need constant demonstrations to know what was true within his heart.

She dropped her hands to her sides and addressed his remarks. "His name is Haephastus," she reported to him, also looking out the window into the rain. "I found him at the borders. He seems tired, he came a long way," she said. She turned her lime green gaze to regard the one-eyed Patriarch. "He's down the hall by the fire right now. I think we should offer him a place to stay, but I wanted you to talk to him first."

Geneva hadn't asked him very many questions. She had only assessed his character at the borders, reading his body language and trying to read between the lines of his words. She thought that she had a good judge of character, but it was ultimately up to Jefferson as the leader to decide. She could only offer her own assessment before presenting Haephastus to Jefferson.

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