When you thought you'd seen it all..
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... table1.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

True, seasoned hunters were few and far between, especially those looking for acceptance into Phoenix Valley. Most joiners mumbled something about tracking skills, but none had yet to mention a talent in weaponry. Needless to say, the one-eyed brute was impressed, as made vaguely evident by his raised brows and still silence. Paired with the stranger's knowledge in the ways of demonstrating respect and the collected way he maintained himself, Haephastus struck the Patriarch as someone potentially more mature than the majority of his members. It was something the pack was overall lacking, as Phoenix Valley was composed of younger creatures whimsical with love and friendship rather than the duties and hazards of the real world. Of course, there was little Jefferson could do about that without scaring them away.

"You seem trustworthy," he nodded. "Phoenix Valley is a small pack. We have many youngsters; I leave it to you to teach them a thing or two about hunting should you get the chance. Your weapons are fine, as long as you keep constant watch over them. Extra eyes around the borders are also appreciated." The brute smiled something genuine, though even the most legitimate of his smiles were still stained with scars. "There's cabins scattered around the territory. Make yourself at home." That said, the brute rolled his shoulders and turned back to the hallway, business done quickly as he preferred it to be. "Start a fire in here if you plan on waiting out the rain. I'm going back to bed."


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