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Ty huffed cheerfully as she responded with general optimism, it eased Ty to know that Xeris was doing alright, and hopefully, so were the others. The incident had worried them all, most likely Ty the least of it, but still it had affected his thoughts in some form or fashion. To the others, it was probably concern for the pup, Rendall, and how they should keep a better eye on her, even Ty considered shadowing her a few times to keep her out of trouble. But what filled his mind was that puma, that creature, the one he killed, the one he fought to the death, the was invigorating, Ty was concerned with that feeling of energy and adrenaline he enjoyed so much when fighting that mountain lion. Was it right to enjoy the fight? Was it right to savor that killing blow like he did? He didn't want to kill the puma, but at the same time, he would do it all over again. Was war really that embedded into his mind that he really still enjoyed the fight so much?

Ty snapped out of it when he realized that Geneva would be confused. Seeing Xeris wanting him to elaborate, Ty sighed lightly as he turned to Geneva, not really knowing how she would take this information. He exhaled slowly, talking in a smooth, calm, but serious fashion. "Yes, she's right, there was a mountain lion in the territory." He began, pausing to think up how to tell the story. "Apparently it must have slipped down into the valley because food was scarce or something...I'm not totally sure...but it found Rendall first." He scratched his head as he continued. 'It attacked her, biting her leg and attempting to kill her...lucky for her I was there." He then looked into Geneva's eyes with the spirit of a warrior, emitting the ferocity and confidence that trembled deep beneath Ty's surface, but he still spoke coolly and calmly, "I distracted the beast while Anya, Pendzez, and Xeris took Rendall away, and I killed that mountain lion, seeing no other option."

Taking another deep breath, Ty flashed his trademark charismatic grin. "But now everyone is alright, the threat is diminished and my wounds, along with Rendall's, have healed over. Though the puma definitely left me with some scars, but this was all weeks ago. We're all fine now, as Xeris said."

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