Moving up in the world
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Yarr! Except of course I am a slowpoke sometimes Tongue

His own head mirrored her greeting as she found and approached him. It was polite, but now he held a different view of her. She had been his friend, and now she was also his colleague in leadership - she just didn't know it yet. His greeting was perhaps marginally prolonged, but it should be noticeable. Still, his respect for her had grown when she had handled his misbehaving so well. He couldn't decide whether he annoyed or pleased at how she had acted. She had forced her goodwill on him, but also given him an earful, as if she was his mother or something. Though, he was glad for her help, and he respected that she kept returning even if he was a grumpy old bastard. He just didn't know how to handle it if he couldn't be grumpy, feeling so weak and helpless. And deep down he knew that those of her actions that annoyed him would never have seen daylight if she had not cared about him. As if thinking about that made him any less uncomfortable, really. But today he wasn't uncomfortable as much, because today he was useful, and he could stand up, too.

Well, first of all I'd like to thank you for your help. First things first, and though it did have something to say in his decision, it was by far not all of it. But he had perhaps realized that her commitment was larger than he had originally thought it to be, when she had so selflessly cared for him since his return. I really appreciate it, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes.

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