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The Senex had been sorely tempted to follow Jefferson down the hall after he had accepted Haephastus into the pack earlier this morning, but she had refrained. The one-eyed Patriarch, although his spirits seemed fine, was clearly exhausted from his added duties. She would have liked to talk to him, but decided to save that for another time. He needed his rest more than she needed conversation. She was content to sit by the dull glow of the fire until the rain let up somewhat, then she decided to rise and see how Haephastus was doing. He had seemed quiet, reserved, and somehow troubled - although he seemed to distance himself from that notion.

Geneva emerged from the ranch and wound her way through the pack lands. The air was thick with moisture and the ground was soaked. Haephastus must have sought refuge in one of the cabins, as Jefferson had suggested. Geneva could not imagine the weary man staying out in this kind of weather. Lime green eyes scanned the cabins scattered around the territory, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man from Jerusalem.

The rain returned in no time and the gray wolfess swore under her breath as she dashed, still searching for Haephastus. It did not take the Senex long to spot him. The door opened to one of the cabins, and she saw his frame in the doorway. She approached quietly, as was her habit, and stopped for a moment at the sight of his back. The gray wolfess leveled worried eyes with her new pack mate. His back was ravaged. She knew better than to say anything, at least right now. She cleared her throat a little to announce her presence and spoke in a light tone. "Good day, Haephastus. I'm glad you found shelter."

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