We’ve Unlocked Pandora’s Box
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It was true. The coloring of that little pup did not lie. He had never seen any pure wolf with that pattern to their coat. How much this changed things. Before, while he had been willing to do whatever he could to help raise the pups, he doubted he would ever consider himself an actual father to them. It was not out of some sense of not being able to care for those not descended from his blood, but just for the fear he had had of them being like the crow wolf. If he had ever needed to do something to move against them, then he would need that emotional barrier to allow himself to act as he must. But these pups were of his body, and so the potential for darkness had become minimal. Of course every creature had that potential, but his hope for these young lives was now much higher.

Onus could feel how weary she was and knew that she would need to sleep soon. No doubt she would want to return to her den as well. Once she did he would take a perch up in the tree where he would still be able to watch over her, but would not be in her way or in the way of the members of Dahlia. Few wolves ever thought to look up in the trees, so unless they caught his scent, he should go completely unnoticed. As she agreed with the names that he had suggested a soft smile worked its way onto his face. Maybe he wasn't a complete loss. They were two ideals that the man held high, though he did not always adhere to them himself. If it came down to it he would fight dirty to do what needed to be done. His enemies would do the same. But he wanted these children to have better lives. More normal lives. The kind of lives that young ones deserved to have.

"You mean surnames? Here there are usually family names. Pups usually carry the family name of either mother or father." That much he did know. It had never occurred to him before how differently Cwmfen was named. It hadn't been of any consequence until now. When she suggested they take his, he realized that he had never told her his full name. It hadn't been important, for he never went by it. "Onus is my second name. My given name is Jet." But would it be weird for the pups last names to be the same as what he went by as his first? Would that put them in too much danger? "I don't know if Onus is actually a family name or not. But they don't both need to take my name. At least one of them should take a name from your culture." He was not comfortable in naming them both with his name. One, for their safety, and two they were as much if not more her children. Onus was warming to the parent idea, but he knew he did not feel it as strongly as she did.

At her words he looked back down at them as well. He had never been enamored with pups before, and didn't understand the way in which a parent felt towards their offspring. But now he was beginning to understand, and he did feel a deep connection to those two small creatures. "They are," he agreed. Then the man looked to her and saw a more pure smile on her face than had been present there for these many weeks. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, smiling as he did.


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