the return of someone familiar
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Geneva listened intently to the woman as she spoke. She gave a wealth of information about herself. Geneva nodded in approval. She liked that Angel gave her a lot to work with. The woman before her seemed upfront, honest, and to the point. She had spelled out her intentions and listed the skills and traits she had to offer Phoenix Valley. The Senex was certain that Angelique could find a place to fit in here.

"I believe that you could find a place here," the Senex said with a smile. The woman seemed to be older than her, and obviously had some life experience. She was curious to ask about the woman's trials and travels, but decided to refrain. For now, she would let the situation at hand take precedence.

"I am going to call the leader. His name is Jefferson, and it would be wise to present your case to him." With those words, the woman sent out a call. It was a hushed sound, much like the quiet tones of her voice, but she knew that it would reach Jefferson if he was around. More likely than not, the man was also patrolling the borders.

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