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It was difficult to see anything through the downpour of rain and the cataracts that were beginning to slowly form in his eyes didn't help much either. Despite this, Haephastus still attempted to scan the area, turning his head this way and that, before finally allowing his eyes to settle on something off in the distance. It looked like mostly trees but the foreign hybrid was almost certain that he spied a clearing through the rain and something that faintly resembled the structure of a building. Squinting just a bit, the multicolored male lifted his bandaged, two-fingered hand to his face, wiping away the bits of water that still lingered from the rain.

He was ready to move on, possibly farther ahead to inspect the building, when the sound of steps filled his ears. They turned abruptly to meet this sound, head and eyes soon following after, to spot the unknown woman who was now below him. "Good day." He returned her greeting, speaking louder than he might have otherwise, to be certain that he was heard through the pounding of the rain. "Scouting." He informed her, though it wasn't for anything particular. Making certain that his scar ravaged back was facing away from the woman, Haephastus shifted his weight and dropped down to his rear on the branch. Sure that he was far enough away as to not hit her on the way down, he slid from the branch and landed on the ground with a quiet thud.

"Why are you out in the rain?" He asked, turning to look upon her once more, seeming somewhat puzzled. He was certain that he had not heard anyone summon someone else, so why was it that she was out wandering in such weather? Of course, the foreign man was not used to the ways of the packs in these lands, where the men often did most of the work while the women stayed protected and in constant comfort. "I apologize, Miss. My name is Haephastus." He offered her the greeting, somewhat ashamed that it hadn't been the first thing that he had done.


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