And What Does Fate Say?
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------Anselm didn't think the issue was a matter of sloth as much as efficiency. Maybe she didn't mind going those extra twenty five miles to do a single sweep on the border, but he would rather put that energy into making an additional round. Trouble could brew quickly and he wanted to maximise the chance that he'd find and deal with it as soon as possible when it happened; it was a tactical thing, really. Still, he had no choice but to begrudgingly accept her logic. If they wanted to claim more neutral land in any which direction, he couldn't do anything to stop them... but he could still whine about it. "Fine. I guess I'm just pissed I can't go straight home now," his low voice rumbled. "But I suppose it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. I rarely go down there anyway. I'll just meet Savina halfway in the future." It was kind of uncertain whether he was talking to her or himself at this point; either way, he was ready to let the subject drop. No harm, no foul, right? He didn't even know how to answer her question about the central point since he hadn't been through the territory recently... the last time was long ago, before the fire when he had free run of the whole damn region. As such, he simply shrugged dismissively.

------"Cwm... I'm sorry, what?" he blinked. "Run that by me again. What nationality is that?" he asked, now genuinely curious. He'd never heard such a foreign sounding name before--it wasn't even like the European or Mexican sounding names he might have heard in the past. He was having a rough time getting it to stick, but he didn't want to slaughter it in the future, either. When Gabriel had described the woman, he had done simply that: he'd given Anselm a physical description. He hadn't even told the caramel hybrid that the woman hailed from Dahlia, nor that she was so high ranked. Anyway, he now found himself wondering if her strange background might explain her snow white eyes (and the blue, tribal looking marks).

------It seemed as though they were both curious about one another's origins; fair enough. Conversations like these were always a give and take kind of thing and Anselm was content to play along. He wasn't entirely sure what she meant by "much blood;" wolf blood, he supposed, judging from her next statement. (It didn't occur to him that everyone being related might have had something to do with it... traditional packs were comprised of parents and several generations of their offspring, Inferni just had more cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles than usual, but they still weren't a random agglomeration of loners and drifters like most contemporary packs.) "Yeah; my dad was a full fledged wolf. I think Gabriel's was, too. My mother was an even split of coyote and wolf, but I mostly take after my father in build.. my coat colour is similar to my mother's though," he explained, finding the mental images of his parents dashing through his memory to be peculiar at best. After leaving his birth pack, he hadn't really looked back or thought about it much--it kept him stable (ah, the joys of repression). "So how about you, eh? Did one of your parents have all white eyes, too?" Ah, finally; he had gotten that one out in the open.

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