we're doomed from the start.
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s304 ... -table.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:235px; background-position:bottom center; background-color:#000000; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#FDBC43; line-height:16px">Whee, I wanted a thread with Jael! o: I even was thinking it might be cool if he apprenticed Anselm with the spying/scouting stuff, or something. Big Grin Let me know if you're interested.

------There were only three times Anselm found taking the life of another to be acceptable: for sustenance, for self defence, and for the protection of home and family. In the back of his mind he always knew he was in the minority in Inferni for these convictions--the sheer number of skulls dotting their perimeter was evidence enough of that--but the hybrid had a tendency to hold on to whatever shaky, vague morals he had steadfast. Unprovoked attacks on other canines were half-baked schemes that hinted at the aggressor's lack of foresight: if Inferni stirred up too much dust, they'd be hit by a flood of aggression from the families and friends of their victims. Not even loners were exempt from this rule. He could quite vividly recall being charged by the towering and powerful Asmodai, who'd stumbled upon his friend's corpse in the city. Soro hadn't answered to any pack in the region, but it was dumb luck that Anselm hadn't been engaged in a brutal fight with the fallen one's companion anyway.

------Regardless, the golden male certainly found the scene unravelling before him rather intriguing. Perched atop a small boulder laying down, he peered with intense curiosity as a white, wolfish looking adolescent carrying Inferni's scent hand fed a crow. Instantly he was reminded of Abraxas, and even the bird he sometimes saw with Gabriel. "Friend of yours?" he called suddenly as he rose to his feet atop the rock. Lowering into a bow, the wolf stretched his front legs first, toes splayed apart then coming together as he straightened and arched his back down to stretch his hind legs. He now leapt from his position, landing neatly on the ground in a crouch before advancing closer for conversation. A black-tipped ear flicked as he peered up to regard the obsidian bird before returning his gaze to his company. "Having eyes in the sky can gain us a powerful, discreet informant," he added.

------"I can't speak low-speech, though; can you?" he wondered. Maybe if the boy couldn't, Gabriel could teach him. Heck, maybe Gabriel could teach them both. Abraxas, a deranged red fox, had always been the best the wolfish-looking hybrid could do. The canine still spoke in a manner Anselm could comprehend, but he lacked Inferni's scent and could go poking around deep in enemy territory without being too suspicious--hardly anybody cared about or suspected a fox. Still, the red-eyed male hadn't seen his quirky friend since he'd left... he'd turn up sooner or later, though, as he always did. "Anselm de le Poer, by the way..." What was this boy's name? This had to be one of the wolfish kids of Gabe's brother he'd heard about; of that he was now certain.

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