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The foreign male was very courteous. He always seemed to be mindful of her. It must have been the way he was brought up. It didn't seem to just be manners; it seemed as though some sort of respect for women had been ingrained into his mind. Or perhaps Geneva was only imagining things, because she had not yet seen Haephastus interact with any female either than herself. Still, his courtesy seemed much more refined than the courtesies of others she had met. She appreciated his thoughtfulness, but she hoped that the man would rest and gain confidence and comfort in her presence. She wanted him to acclimate well; she wanted him to trust her and to use her if he needed to. For some reason, she doubted he would ask much of her.

She smiled softly and took a seat on Haephastus' couch. "Would you like to join me?" the Senex asked. She wanted the man to be as comfortable as possible. He did not seem out of sorts, not quite. Perhaps it was that he was not entirely certain of himself or of the situation. The best she could do for now was simply answer his questions.

"Our members here are all expected to contribute to the overall health of the pack. And much like in your old home, certain members specialize in certain things." The small boned wolfess grinned wryly. She was short in stature and very thin. She was roughly the five feet tall in her luperci form, and now even the children she had watched grow in Crimson Dreams towered over her. "As you could probably guess, I am not the world's most skilled huntress, but if there is a need for food, I do try," she said. She might not be the best defense for the borders, but she still patrolled. She did whatever was necessary. "You may find this strange - because I did when I first arrived here - but Phoenix Valley keeps small herds of livestock - cattle, and others, and we care for these animals. They are our source of food in winter."

Adjusting to Phoenix Valley's lifestyle had been strange, but now she could not imagine another way of life. She tried to think of other things she might be able to tell Haephastus. "We have a small library at the ranch, where I took you this morning," she told him. "You are welcome to peruse it. There is also an old human city nearby, Halifax, with a myriad of human items. It is a neutral territory, and you may look through and take materials from there." Geneva smiled. "As for the Patriarch, simply call him Jefferson. I've never called him anything else," she confided in the scarred man.

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