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"Our foremost interest is to ensure the welfare of those within our pack and good relations with our neighboring counterparts," Geneva responded. Anselm seemed to be full of questions. She could not tell whether his curiosity was calculating or not, but she did not mind answering these basic questions. The gray woman could appreciate that the man had an inquiring mind. There was no way to gain information if one was unwilling to ask questions. If she could improve his knowledge about the general surroundings here, she was willing to divulge, so long as he did not appear to be a threat.

Geneva elaborated a bit more on her previous statements. "There have been tensions recently between Phoenix Valley and Inferni, a clan of coyotes close to here." She frowned a bit. She did not like being on negative terms with anyone, and would rather be at peace with those around. It made for less problems. Geneva was not a pacifist, but she would rather engage in discourse than violence.

"To the best of my knowledge, neither party has come to blows. And the tension was spawned from a relationship between two subleaders. A romance of sorts - although I do not see why it would cause such friction." Geneva did not know very much beyond that, but she was concerned about it. Geneva wanted things to be right, and she was certain that others at Inferni who must feel the same. No one thrived on tensions.

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