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Women, back in his previous home, were regarded as the source of all life and the pinnacle of humanity. Without them, young men would have never learned manners or respect, right from wrong, or any of the million other things that a woman could burn into a child's mind. It had been his own mother that had taught him of compassion, courtesy, respect, and a million other things that made Haephastus who he was in life. It was her teaching that even aided him in battle often. Never kill an unarmed opponent, though in those dire times of war, there was often little choice for an assassin. Spare the women and children, for they are pure of heart and innocent. As few casualties as possible, for whatever that was worth, in a time of war. He had followed her words and her teachings with all of his heart and to the best of his ability and he was certain that she was proud of him, even at the moment of her death, despite knowing that he had failed, a heavy burden that he kept with him always.

Haephastus, regarding her words with a polite nod, moved carefully across the floor to seat himself upon the couch, careful to leave space between them, for he knew that personal space could be a sacred thing. Turning himself, careful not to press his back to harshly against the couch, he faced the woman who had shown kindness to a stranger, smiling a smile that curled straight up into his milky blue eyes. Silent, multicolored ears perked forward to take in her words, listening to what explanations that she could offer. He hadn't imagined that life in Phoenix Valley could be very much like the old days of Jerusalem but the more that she explained, the more similarities he began to notice. "We kept cattle for milk." He noted absently, though it seemed as if they kept theirs for meat instead.

"I will have to visit these places." He said with a faint smile, glad to hear that such areas existed so close by. "My mother taught me to read when I was young but I have not had much of a chance to do so." She had read him everything from fairy tales to text books and he had enjoyed each equally, though there were a few favorites that stood out in his mind. He was certain that he could find something in one or the other that would hold his interest for quite a while.

Regarding her comment about their Patriarch with a simple nod, Haephastus' face took on a more dire expression. The thought of finding books to read brought another issue to light, one that he hadn't quite thought of earlier that day upon his arrival. "I have to tell you, Miss Geneva.." He frowned lightly, continuing the same soft tones that he always seemed to. "My vision is failing me, though it isn't that bad at the moment, I fear that it will only continue to get worse." He didn't have a time frame. He wasn't even certain that he would lose it completely. All he knew was that it had started at some point in his fourth year of life and that it had the potential to cause an issue in the future.


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