I know he'll say that he's in love
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The gray wolfess decided to throw formalities to hell and a hand basket and took a position at he ex-Commander's side. She came to rest beside her, mirroring her position. The woman turned her face to watch the green-eyed wolfess speak. It had truly been a long time since she had seen Naniko. Although they had not spoken often, the woman had never been far from her thoughts.

Geneva spoke honestly. "Things have been difficult recently," she said. "DaVinci has left us, although we do not know why." The silvery hybrid had apparently been troubled for a number of weeks. The two had not spoken often, but she knew that he had been troubled. Hopefully, wherever he was at this point, he had found some peace.

The woman shrugged, but then a soft smile touched her mouth. "I worked up the courage to tell Jefferson that I love him, and found that he returned my feelings." The woman had not confided this information with anyone else, but she trusted Naniko. It had been a secret, something that existed only between Jefferson and herself. The two had been too busy with pack business and other things to discuss what their revelation might have meant, and life went on, but the knowledge still warmed her.

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