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"Rendall." He tested the name that she offered him, hoping that his accent wouldn't manage to mangle the name, and it seemed that it hadn't. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Rendall." He said finally, offering the young woman a gentle smile. Shifting his body around carefully, he turned just enough to settle the crossbow and the bolt on the ground, leaning against the nearest tree so that the weapon would no longer be a worry to either of them. He didn't want to make her nervous with it and didn't much feel like just holding it the whole time, especially while he was meeting someone from his new home.

Allowing her time to shift, Haephastus turned his eyes away from her, scanning the scenery before turning back to her as she approached. Her question had come as no surprise, there were vast differences between himself and other wolves in this area and the scent from his old home, however faint, still clung to his fur with all of it's strength. "A place called Jerusalem." He explained quietly, offering the information without incident. "Far across the ocean, a place filled with mostly desert." In fact, he didn't mind her staring, he was new and different to these lands, it was something that he had come to expect. "How long have you lived here, Miss Rendall?"


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