Night stock to Aisle 4
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His tail waved contently and confidently behind him, and he was aware of those few extra seconds the girl lingered behind before she came up to pad alongside him. Blue pools sought her face again as she asked if there was any other family around. A chocolate ear flickered quickly in thought before he shook his head. ”No one here, but there’s a Naniko D’angelo in Crimson Dreams, yes.” He only knew this because she was the leader of that pack. He did not give a damn about the many subordinates. The number of wolves mattered, but not the different individuals. Not really. However, the part where she revealed that she thought the Soul side of the family was good looking made him chuckle under his breath, though well loud enough for her to hear. Was that a sort of compliment meant for Haku? Those blue eyes studied her, knowing that yes, he was very good looking. It had never been an issue to find women, but these last months had been depressingly silent. He had forced females in the past, but had not done so lately except for with Svara. That satisfaction had lasted for a while now. It had been beautiful.

Haku did not notice the scenery at all as they walked. He never did. His eyes rested on her, though he made sure to let the gaze wander away from her from time to time so that she would not get too uncomfortable by his glowing gaze. He often did that. Her next lines sounded like proper teenage stuff though. ”Good thing, maybe he won’t be such a grumpy git if he gets laid.” the man bluntly said, not at all taking the female’s feelings into consideration. Haku could be quite direct and seldom added filters that usually were seen as necessary. It had been strange meeting Maluki, and Haku had thought the gimp’s body was too ruined to be loved by anyone. Well, he was the head of Phoenix Valley, and there were always people that sucked up to those in power. ”Bedding one’s leader seems to be a good way to climb high in the hierarchy though.” he added, of course assuming that this was the truth.


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