my angel wings are bruised & restrained
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No problem darling! 300+

Kansas hadn't spent much time with anyone outside of his pack. He could count the strangers he'd encountered in the past year on one paw. That was primarily because everything he needed was in Crimson Dreams: his closest friends, his lover, his puppies. He had little need to go elsewhere, now especially since Iskata was dead and Firefly seemed to have gone missing. But wanderlust had also never been a bother to him; he was content with staying at home and perhaps roving around the entirety of Crimson Dreams when he needed a break. But now that home was not so pleasant, he felt the need to have his own adventure, of sorts. Ember needed visiting, but he didn't wish for there to be a particular purpose to his small escape from the silent chaos of the Manor. He needed to do this for himself, and for no one else.

He saw the girl approaching over the crest of a smaller knoll, and his heart sunk a little. He wanted to be alone. But, unfortunately for him, Kansas was not one to shoo others away. He couldn't bare to be so rude. But as she drew near, several things about the stranger came to his attention. First, she had an odd scent. It had nothing to do with her origin, whatever that was, or her species—no, this was something entirely different. Kansas puzzled over it for a good two minutes; he continued to stare at her while he tried to come up with an explanation. Then it hit him. She was sick. He didn't know how or why, but in some manner or another, she wasn't physically healthy.

The next thing that made her different from any other stranger he had encountered was that she appeared upset, like she was about to cry. And after she had spoken, she seemed fine. Strange. Lastly, Kansas had the biting feeling that he knew her from somewhere. Something about her eyes and face was familiar. He hoped she wasn't someone he'd met recently; that would be embarassing. The boy shook his head to clear the rambling thoughts he was having, and smiled vaguely. "No, you don't... sound... dull. I think... I mean, it is beautiful." A half a second passed. "I'm sorry, it's just, eh... Do I know you from somewhere? My name is Kansas."


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