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Rain. More rain. Ears flickered back on her head as the tanned female sat under the small tree, the rain here was just unnatural. This was the down side to not having her own den, though these cabins were something she couldn't get into and out of easily. At least no without though 'hands' that the wolves have her. More deep drops of water hit her head cause a low growl it emitted from her throat and a small flash of her teeth, this is just wonderful for her. A annoyed flick of her tail hit the muddy ground, sitting uncomfortable her paw moved in the ever shifted mud that was starting to piss her off. "Fucking great, this stupid hellish rain..." This is over the second time her bouncy pretty coat is ruined, turning her head a rush of water started to brush past her legs.

Jumping to her feet an hiss like growl filled her chest as her long legs trotted through the starting flood, trotting to higher ground the water started to collect in her sandy coat. Red and blue eyes searched the new darkness of night for some kinda of shelter, moving just ahead of the flood it started to pick up speed. Panting she could feel her heart pounding in Faler's chest. Damn water was making her coat heavy, then her bright eyes caught the sight of a house. Approaching from the side Faler didn't even care about who was on the steps, paws pushing into the slippery mud as water threatened to trip her. Closeing in on the house her legs pumped faster before kicking off the ground, slamming into the porch her paws slid out from under her making her body hit with a hard thud and making water and mud splater.


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