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Xeris smiled at the male's comment. "Yes," she said, a bit distantly. "Thank you." She stepped closer to the tree, placing a hand against it and leaning slightly upon the trunk. This man was quite the gentleman, she thought, even if he did have a rather curious way about him. He was right, though; the white female found herself a fair bit drier than she'd been standing farther away from the large tree trunk.

She listened politely as he spoke of his time in the pack so far and who he'd met. So he was a newcomer, as she'd thought. Xeris could remember back to when she was just beginning her new life in Phoenix Valley. "Ah, so you've met Jefferson and Geneva," she said. "I haven't spoken to the Patriarch himself very much, but I have seen Geneva once or twice. Everyone here is very kind, as I'm sure you've seen." He mentioned his old place of residence briefly, and the white wolf's mind wandered, wondering where he had been and what kinds of things he had seen. But that was a conversation for another day, she supposed as Haephastus continued speaking.

So he had been in a war. That was an intriguing thought. Xeris had never witnessed full-on war before; where she came from things were peaceful--at least, mostly peaceful. A frown crossed her face briefly before she spoke. "A war..." she murmured. "Wow. You must be very brave. I could never fight in a war." It was only the truth. Her brawl with the fierce coyote was the closest she'd come to such things. "I was in a fight as well," she said in reply to his question, "Though not really a war." She paused. "I made the mistake of accidentally crossing over the borders of Inferni," the white wolf continued darkly. "They're a clan of coyotes that has settled nearby. Apparently they have something against wolves. Or at least the one I ran into certainly did." Her voice trailed off a bit and she hoped that he could assume the rest of what happened. Would he think her a coward? Or careless for not knowing the borders?


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