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In all honesty, Haephastus was feeling quite a bit silly for saying something that was probably blatantly obvious to everyone. The woman was kind though, making no remark about a statement that was simple common sense, and instead obliged his words and moved on to the base of the tree. He gave a bashful sort of smile at this, both a mixture of nervousness (he still wasn't quite sure how to act to everyone around the lands) and a little bit of him feeling rather stupid at the time. Instead of dwelling on it, though, he turned his attention back to the woman who had once more begun to speak.

"I have seen it." He assured her quietly, quite fond of the fact that the attitudes had been so nice and that things really had seemed peaceful. Of course, that wasn't to say that Haephastus didn't expect anyone to not have a bad day, it was just a pleasant experience thus far. "I didn't speak to him much." He explained, regarding the Patriarch. "He was kind enough to allow me to find a cabin to stay in, though, and Miss Geneva even brought me in out of the rain." Her kindness to a complete stranger still left him in awe and, he wondered in silence to himself, if that sort of kindness was why everyone in the pack seemed so content.

"There is not much choice in war." He explained quietly, almost sadly. "Be brave and fight or lose your home." In the end, despite the fact that they had fought for all they were worth, they had lost their homes and many had lost their lives. "This Inferni." The words were quiet and sudden, ushering the conversation away from the subject of his home and the war. "I have not heard of them." He informed her, suddenly curious. "Just for no reason they dislike wolves?" It didn't seem to make sense, there was always a reason. The Jackals had desired more lands, thus spawned their hatred for those that lived in Jerusalem, the lands that they desired.


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