The foreign man wasn't entirely certain how long the rain had been pouring or how far up the waters in the area had gotten, he hadn't exactly been out purposefully looking, either. From the look of the woman, though, it had to be rising fast and there was no telling what would happen if it rained like it had been for much longer. Raising his eyes to the clouded sky, Haephastus frowned, wondering to himself if he shouldn't go looking for Geneva to give her a report on the water levels. Of course, it was more than likely that she knew exactly what was going on, certain that they might have some plan should the level of water rise so drastically that it became a threat to the entire pack. He just hoped that such a thing wouldn't happen.

Brash words caught his ears, which cupped forward to hear them better, and he turned his eyes away from the sky and back to the drenched woman. Smiling, a somewhat uncertain smile, he spoke once again. "There are some old blankets inside, to dry off and stay warm, if you might like me to grab you a few?" He cocked his head inquisitively, turning just slightly so that he could glance back through the open door to ensure that they were there. "They might be a little old and dusty but they should do the job." He encouraged her, not wanting to keep her out in the cold and rain. "I might even be able to start a fire inside, if that would help?"


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