Almost immediately Haephastus could tell that this woman was much different than the ones that he had met thus far. Especially different from those that lived back in Jerusalem. Contemplating this, his eyes never left her and his ears never missed a sound that she made. She seemed hesitant about his offer, which was expected, but the scarred man knew not to push one way or the other. Finally, after what seemed like a moment of her fighting with herself, she accepted his offer, though not before making a comment that had piqued his interest. She had no hands, which meant that she could not change forms like most of the rest of them. He had seen very few in his life that had been unable to do so and, perhaps, he held just a bit more respect for them. They seemed to get along just fine, if not sometimes better, than the rest of them.

Placing his bandaged hand against the porch, he gave a soft huff as he moved to stand, turning to motion toward the open door. "Please come inside, then." And without hesitation he moved, making his way into the cabin and leaving the door as wide open as it had been. Perhaps it would make her more comfortable with the situation. Immediately moving to the old worn couch, Haephastus scooped up the pile of blankets in his arms, turning to place them on the ground in what seemed like a comfortable heap. "I am sure there are more around if these get to wet for you." He told her, making his way to the bag in the corner that held his possessions, to dig about for the materials to start a fire in the fireplace.


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