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------Her brief mission statement seemed valid--any self-respecting pack ought to uphold those standards, if nothing else. He nodded and considered her words, and his ears drooped back apologetically as she spoke of the tensions with his clan. "I'm sorry that things are not going well for you," he spoke, tone genuine as it mirrored his true sentiments: What doesn't go well for you doesn't go well for us. Despite growing up with war and being acclimated to it, the golden wolf still despised it. It was always a drain on all parties, both mentally and physically. Life was difficult enough without foreign assaults.

------What she said next greatly interested him on a personal level, for the subleader of Inferni was his own daughter. Though his pulse quickened a bit, he remained largely neutral on the surface--an ability that came with practise and self-restraint. "No, that doesn't really make sense," he said shortly, not allowing too long of a pause to ensue before he collected his thoughts. "Why would love inspire hatred?" he asked, although this question was clearly rhetorical. Well, fuck, he mentally growled at himself, if their subleader gets along with Ryan, I can only assume the problem comes from higher up in the hierarchy.

------Anselm was uncomfortable with the implications of this realisation, and though he wanted to know more, he knew it would appear suspicious to keep dwelling on "personal matters that did not concern him." He also wasn't sure it was good for his façade; though he was very good at the games he played, there was no reason to tempt fate. "Hopefully the matter is resolved quickly," he offered calmly, though his mind was spinning. He would need to talk to either Gabriel or Ryan about this now. "I trust that you are well prepared, in any event?" he suggested, trying to get more of a feel for their situation quickly... though he fully intended to wrap this up (and soon). "I'm not sure I am, though," he added after giving her time to respond, introducing a line that would allow him to step out of this "potential joining" situation with more ease. "Is there anything I can do to help without fully committing to becoming a member?" he asked, quite seriously open to suggestions. Something about this didn't add up and it didn't sit right in his stomach. He wanted Inferni out of this sticky situation as much as she wanted the Valley out of it, he reckoned.

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