looking for a chance to stray

OOC: I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this :/ *fails* ::Word Count:: 500+

Urma followed Gotham with her eyes, delighted herself to see him so happy and radiant. She had to admit that his company took her mind off the stress she was going through now, trying not to chase sleep away with thoughts about whether or not Pilot was safe and if they would ever meet again. Now she finally had the chance to do something different, and trading the company of the adults for a few hours with Gotham seemed to work in uplifting her spirits. It was impossible to feel down in the dumps when this small pup ran and chased dragonflies around you, urging you to keep him in a good mood by the sheer joy he could impress upon you. She reclined to her haunches next to Gotham and quickly gathered her scattered thoughts, trying to think how best to approach the matter of finding small dragonflies. Hopefully, there would be at least some.

She decided to try a different tactic, and suddenly sprang to her feet, declaring, on a faux-military tone, "A-tten-tion! Calling all troups, please report immediately! We have just been informed that a group of small dragonflies is buzzing around nearby. All available Scouts should scatter around the area and try to locate as many of these insects as possible!" She smiled widely at Gotham, hoping this little acting game had amused him. "Well, what do you know, you're the only Scout around here... What do you say, then, are you going to rise to the challenge? I bet there could be small dragonflies anywhere around here. Small, colourful insects with lovely wings that we can watch fly by us in a second. How does that sound?" She hoped it sounded interesting. She wanted the small wolf to have fun, and these dragonflies seemed to be exactly his cup of tea. Anyway, Urma knew there had to be at least a few smaller ones around, and those would keep Gotham busy for some time, seeing as they were slow flyers in the beginning.

Again she ran and put a bit of a distance between them, and started bothering the dense vegetation around the lake, in an attempt to encourage Gotham to claim the prize of their treasure hunt, so to say, before her. It felt nice, trying to entertain the pup, and it gave Urma a sense of accomplishment that she could at least make this innocent creature happy. Moments like this one with Gotham made Crimson Dreams more of a home to her each day, convincing her that, unless there was any certain sign that Pilot was somewhere, there was nothing else she could do but wait for him and try to occupy her time as best she could. Eventually, she'd figure out a way of making the nights more approachable too. Maybe, even, one day, she’d have pups of her own, and Gotham, all grown up, would keep them company. But that would be a long time from now, and for the time being, Urma was content with enjoying the small wolf’s company.


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