Inside her knitted sanctuary

OOC: ::Word Count:: 500+

Urma went in at Naniko's invitation, and looked around curiously. She had only ever lived in caves and dens dug deep in the ground, at the base of a tree, sheltered by the small bushes and tall grass, or, as had been the case in Europe, steep mountain sides and snowy forest roads. Buildings had never even crossed her mind as possible shelters, maybe because her life had always been closely related to nature. It didn't strike her as any bit odd that she should feel somewhat out of her element here. But Naniko seemed comfortable, had transformed the former shop into what appeared to be a cosy enough place. Of course, Urma hoped her white friend didn't plan on living here forever, would eventually consider returning to pack life, even if it wasn't Crimson Dreams.

Her ears pricked when she heard what Naniko had to say. She could imagine it as an accident. The way she had known Naniko, it was unlikely that she would want to hurt a pup. But on the other hand, she could see where Savina's anger came from, could see that the same motherly instinct had fueled the ebony wolf's outrage. It was impossibly hard to take sides in this, and maybe Urma was taking the easy way out, understanding both sides. But it seemed at the same time, the only rational way to look at things."Well, from what I know, and maybe Mati and Brooklyn told you this, Cambria is much better herself. I don't think it's my place to say whether or not Savina and Anu have managed to put it all behind them... but the pups you're talking about... they'll need a home." She looked around the shop again, before turning to look in Naniko's green eyes. "Maybe... they'd be willing to accept you back in Crimson Dreams given the situation?"

Urma wondered, for a moment, who these pups belonged to. It seemed somehow inappropriate to ask. If it was self-explanatory, Urma had been gone a long while not to know anymore what went around, and, even if that wouldn't be an impediment, she still felt that she didn't want to explain it to herself, or give it much thought. It wasn't her business. Naniko was capable of making her own decisions, and Urma was in no position to meddle in that. She stood up and paced around for a bit, thinking of what piece of advice she could offer her friend. Instead, she found herself helplessly drawn towards the past. "So many things have happened, Naniko, I can't even fully realize how time went so fast. I remember vividly our first conversation... How easy it all seemed then. I never thought things would change so much." She stopped and sat down, heaving a sigh. It was a bad time to remember all of these things, when they'd bring nothing but sadness. Much as she found it hard, Urma had to be pragmatic. It wouldn't be easy, bringing Naniko back, but there was no other pack she wished her white friend would be in. It felt like nothing would fit her as well as Crimson Dreams did."When are the pups due?"


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