Violent timing explains the aftermath
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A little short, and sorry for the delay! Ohh, and I finally figured out how to add hover-translations. Now his vulgarity is for all to see. C:

"Putain de merde!" he cursed in surprise, fangs baring out of instinct. His right arm moved to shield his face from the unexpected blow, but Haven had swung from the left, and he had no arm to block that side. The youth's fist thudded against Jacquez's hard skull, knocking the tall hybrid a pace backwards. Adrenaline lanced through his body, his own fingers balling into a fist as he sank into a fighter's crouch - but he did not need to defend himself further, as he soon noticed. Ruefully rubbing the darkening bruise on his temple, Jac watched warily as Haven began to tremble, the fire of anger receding from his brilliant emerald eyes.

So the petite Siobhan had left, then. And not on good terms, it appeared. He had no idea what had caused the abrupt separation - and by the look of it, neither did his Knight. Jac was probably the last person who could offer relationship advice, but he did know how flighty women could be. The collie-hybrid spat a small stream of blood - he had bitten his cheek by accident - and let the bristling hair down his spine fall flat. There would be no fight, unless Haven wanted to drown his problems with flying fists. He should be proud that he actually landed a hit... "Nice shot," he grumbled, frowning comically at the shorter male. "Elle te fait enculer, eh? You shouldn't take it so personally, then, if it never meant much to her. She was just playing around." That was why it was silly to want monogamy. It was not a feasible solution.


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