Out for Lunch
Ty realized how arrogant calling himself 'one of the best in the world' sounded, and he cringed inside, that was not the right thing to say. To be fair, Ty's relationship to war for most of his life was business, and in order to make a business prosper, one has to boast about his talents in his craft, and war was no exception. For Ty, humility had to be put on the backburner to be able to get good business, in order to be hired these days, you had to be either advertising as the best, or had enough other people saying you were. Ty used both, which explained why he was boasting, it was in his nature now. Nevertheless, he didn't want ysander to think of him as an arrogant jerk, after all, these were friends, not customers. Ty chuckled embarrassingly, trying to regain some humility, he was young after all, and didn't have the grasp of all aspects of a warrior yet especially humility. "Well, so I've been told...not sure I believe it, but I would one day like to live up to that."

Ty then watched as Lysander offered his services to both of them, and his eyes opened slightly in opportunity. He liked having weapons, or someone who could make them, at hand, and he assumed Lysander was good at his craft. Like Ty, who's craft was war and battle, it one specialized in a craft, chances are they were good at it. However, it also intrigued him, to see what Lysander could really do, he had just gotten his weapons and items back from his mercenary troop about two days ago, and now that Lysander was offering to make weapons, Ty wouldn't mind asking for something simple. "Well since you are offering...." Ty began slowly, trying to make sure that he wasn't trying to be overbearing about the idea, he was only suggesting it now. "I might want to ask you for something later, but anyway, what's your story? If you are comfortable with sharing that is."

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