Violent timing explains the aftermath
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No worries about the length or the wait. My muse and activity have been down the drain lately x.x And yay Jac cursings!

A dull ache was in his fingers and knuckles from where his fist had made contact with Jac's head. Gods, what had he done? He had just struck his king. A sick feeling took over his stomach and for a few moments he thought he might retch. Had he just sentenced himself to exile, or even more serious, death? With many monarchs the latter would be the case, but Jacquez was not like many monarchs. Though honestly, at this moment death seemed like a release to the Aatte. In death there would be no more pain. There would just be nothingness. To him that sounded like heaven.

As his liege spat out some blood Haven cringed. He had never struck anyone before, not out of anger, and especially not someone he was loyal to. He must be the worst knight to ever wear the title. Though when Jac spoke Haven was surprised. The youth had expected his King to come after him, retaliate, or at least reprimand him. But instead he was joking. Classic Jacquez he supposed, but he almost would have felt better being punished. Of course though, it was easy for the ladies man to dismiss what had happened. Not for Haven. "It may have not meant much to her, but it meant something to me..." She had ripped his heart out and stomped on it. Weakness overtook the hybrid and his knees went out and he fell unceremoniously to the ground, his shoulders slumped. How was he not supposed to take it personally?


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