there's a hole in your soul, like an animal

OOC: ::Word Count:: 300+

Urma's ears pricked as the scent of a male reached her nose, and she realized that company was on its way. She scanned the surrounding area and spotted a black and brown-pelted wolf making his way towards her. His bright gaze kept her rooted to the spot, and she could almost feel the sense of confidence emanating from him. For a moment she felt sure she was looking at the leader of the pack, and that thought almost made her weak in the knees. She had no idea now whether she wanted to meet this wolf or not, but she knew that she hadn't come all this way to turn around and run. And if her presence had sparked his curiosity enough, his muscular build would probably prove a better match in a running competition. Either way she looked at the matter, there was nothing else she could do but face the wolf. She chanted in her head that this was for Pilot, although what her desperate and irrational act was meant to prove, she wasn't sure herself anymore.

As the wolf asked her what was wrong, his gaze never wavering, she thought about the reckless decision she had made not to inform Savina of what she was about to undertake. It hadn't been a long time since she had come back to Crimson Dreams, and she hadn't exactly stayed put since then, so her muscles still ached after long journeys like the one coming here had been. The cuts and scratches were still on her paws, and she hoped they wouldn't stand as testimony to her vulnerability. She honestly meant no harm, though at times, staring into that alert gaze made her think it wouldn't matter either way. Finally, she managed to gather herself enough to say, on a confident, unwavering tone, "I'm looking for someone. A member of this pack. One Hybrid." She could sense her composure diminishing in front of the wolf, and she fell back on the comforting silence, before realizing that the quiet didn't calm her down in any way. She could see how her act would seem foolish to the wolf, if he knew Hybrid well enough. She found it hard not to crumble before his piercing gaze, knowing her amber one could never match it.


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