there's a hole in your soul, like an animal

     By all accounts, Gabriel was not attempting to intimidate the female. Had that been the case he would have broken from cover bristling, all teeth and fur, and barked rather then spoken to her. Still, between his size and his scars (and indeed, the reputation Inferni carried) it no longer surprised him that he came across as such. Remaining standing where he was, the Aquila studied the female quietly. She was thin, and her eyes were paler the his own. No part of her body language told him she had come with blood on her mind.
     The mention of the red-eyed coyote made Gabriel’s ears swivel forward. “Most people don’t come looking for him,” the hybrid explained, voice nearly chastising. What would she want with that man? Certainly it was not to kill him, as Haku’s goal had been. No part of this woman seemed as mad as the last white wolf he had seen in Inferni. “Why do you want to see him?”


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