i had somethin' to say

After the first impression the expanded vista didn't seem quite so incredible, but then the wolf is a creature designed to watch movement and focus on surroundings, not so much to gaze dreamily into space. And indeed there was something else to catch her eye, as she realised when a cheerful voice hailed her. Head snapping to fix her green eyes instantly on the other's face, Legacy assured herself at once that it was no one she knew, and also that they were waving and smiling and therefore unlikely to want to launch an attack. Being small and slight, her paranoia was well-warranted but short-lasting; she'd been out and about so much lately that she was confident in her running speed, besides there was the usual unshakeable optimism, even if it was lessened by the fact she was far from home on a remote mountain-side.

It was a little puzzling - why had her attention had been sought? But then of course, in the grey wolf's place she would probably have done the same - it seemed only polite to announce your presence. Unless the stranger wanted something particular, or was looking for someone, or something. Pushing back a lock of unruly auburn mane, the child hollered back a "hey!" A faint, polite smile teetered at the edge of her mouth, but her eyes were a little suspicious - a deep, unrelated unease that had her almost wanting to turn and flee, run all the way home once more. Logic held her in place. She would not listen to the initial pang of fear. She'd survived so far, and that was enough, wasn't it? But maybe... better to reassure herself of the amiable conduct of the stranger, before she did anything else - before she let her out of her sight, while they were alone up here.

They were too far apart for any more in-depth conversation than had already been made, so she paused on the boulder edge for a moment, one leg swinging, then pushed off with her hands and dropped to the ground, padding forwards a little, tail held politely low and yet ears pricking forward curiously. Poised slightly above on the slope, Legacy was ready to dart away if any antagonistic movement was shown, but far too inquisitive to just sit and wait to see if the other came over to her or not.


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