looking for a chance to stray
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... table_.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
oh, no problem! i love your avatar.


The boy stumbled backwards a little as Urma jumped up, but quickly found his feet again and stood, joining in the game, as straight and tall as he could. He was a Scout, they needed him! Gotham stifled a giggle, knowing it would betray the seriousness of the event. A grin still pulled across his maw, though, and he couldn't help but let the end of his tail twitch just a little. He would rise to the occasion, just like the dragonflies rose on their rice paper wings, and he would find the little baby dragonflies. "Yus Sergeant!" he replied with enthusiasm, giving a brisk nod.

With that, he turned and ran away from her. As he pushed his head into a tall bunch of reeds, he noticed that she was doing the same. So, apparently the Sergeants had to do these types of things, too. The boy wasn't all that competitive, but there was an intent to find some little dragonflies first, just to impress his new friend. She seemed to be some kind of expert in dragonfly hunting, and he wanted to make her proud, as well. It would probably make her feel good to see that he was learning!

He went about his search systematically, pushing his head into the plants that seemed to bunch together in spots close to the lake. He remembered the first time that he had done it, and closed his eyes and his mouth for all subsequent trials. It wasn't nice to get filled with little bugs, and after all it was kind of hard to see in there, so he didn't really need his eyes open anyway. It also seemed like the dragonflies, the creatures he was interested in, all left the grasses and flew up above. Gotham startled a few into the air, but still hadn't found any little ones. He made his way around the edge of the lake carefully, though, and continued on his hunt with the occasional squeal as dragonflies popped out of the top with just a little bit of harassment.


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