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"This place.." He began, after hearing her explanation about the lands. "It is different from where I have lived, but somehow the same." Even he couldn't wrap his head around it all and only hoped that he could explain in a way that would make sense. "Jerusalem is a giant city with many buildings." He told her, just a bit of information before he continued. "But like you have many packs here, we had many people there. We didn't live in packs though, just all together in one big city. There were no ranks and no leader, but we functioned much like the packs here do. If you could hunt, then you did, and you could trade your meat for some other kind of service or goods. Everyone always worked together."

He hoped it made sense, it did in his own head. Of course, Haephastus hadn't been around to see those days. He had been born in a time of war and had left at the very end of the war, a war that they had lost. Jerusalem had also had it's fair share of mischief makers and trouble and he had been told that they had always just dealt with it as it came. He had to wonder why things didn't end up the same way here. What harm would it do if they all lived on one land? Wouldn't they be more protected, flourish even? Indecision in leadership, he supposed, could have been one of the largest reasons but even he had to wonder, just in faintest thoughts, why leadership was even required. It was taking a lot to get used to.

"What happened when you left the lands?" He inquired quietly, unsure if she had gotten attacked or had simply lost her way or something of that nature. If they coyotes were out randomly attacking, then something large must have happened to fuel their hatred. It still tugged at the back of his mind, wondering what it was and wondering if it might eventually lead to war.


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