the return of someone familiar
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The Senex could see that Jefferson appreciated how quickly Angelique got to the point of the matter. Although he wasn't always all business, Jefferson definitely valued his time. The Patriarch had always been one to cut to the chase in most matters. There were other time she wished that he would cut to the quick on other issues, but that had nothing to do with this situation. As far as Geneva could see, she had performed her function. Now she just sat back and watched, making certain that she was readily available if Jefferson needed her.

Geneva clasped her hands behind her back and looked on with her lime green eyes. Jefferson seemed to like Angel, which was a good thing. And a healer would be useful to the pack. Geneva vaguely recalled that her last alpha, Naniko, had known a lot about the art of healing. She had utilized herbs and other remedies. Perhaps Geneva could gain some of that knowledge in the future.

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