We’ve Unlocked Pandora’s Box
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There was a subtle relief at Onus’ agreement. The white orbs watched and the wolf was silent. Instinct did not permit other creatures to handle the young as was now being permitted, and a growl threatened upon her throat, but she was quiet. Onus’ gentle care caused a lightness to cross over her features and the tension to leave her body, to be released into the morning air as a sleeper’s breath. How gentle were those hands, the warrior deemed once more, that had killed. And she wondered if her jaws would have been so gentle. She wondered if her jaws would have been as merciful had she lifted those newborn forms. With her exhaustion, the black she-wolf had not desired to test such a thing. And the pups, though they could neither see nor hear, would know their father’s touch and their father’s smell. Cradled against his body and within his coat, the warrior knew that they were safe. The black fae’s smile shone more brightly as he looked down at her, and, slowly, she willed her muscles to move as she rose. A quiet sigh escaped the woad bound maw. She felt lighter without the heaviness within her womb.

Cwmfen was unmoving for a passing moment as she assessed her own health. Despite the exhaustion and the pains remaining from the whelping, everything was once more in place. Once she was satisfied, the black fae pushed her body forward, and she took a step forward before pausing once more. The woad bound maw lowered, scenting the discarded scarf that had been used by the caregiver. She breathed lightly upon it, recognizing that unique scent of her lover through the smells of the strange birthing fluids. And the black wolf did not know whether the male would want the scarf back, but the instinct that urged her to prepare a nest within the den bid her to take it. With the scarf in her jaws, she moved briefly to his hat, carefully lifting it with her front teeth. It was heavier than she had expected—or perhaps she was simply weary. Satisfied, the white orbs looked up at the male, a quiet smile shining within them before she pushed herself into motion.

The woad marked female strode alongside the optime male, her gait easy and not graceless. In her right leg she could feel more acutely the soreness renewed by the changing of her shape. But such a thing was readily managed by the natural shape that she now wore. There was a calmness within her mind at having regained that shape most familiar to her, although it contrasted greatly with the only shape her lover war. Briefly, the white orbs lifted, regarding the male that carried their newborn twins. The black fae wondered, and she wondered what he thought of such a difference. And yet, she was silent once more as her gaze returned to the path ahead, her woad-bound paws carrying her across familiar paths. The woad bound ears were lifted as they listened to the sound of the dawn, the golden light that had graced Honor and Chastity’s birth having grown dim in the clouded heavens. And her tail, lifted as was her regal poise, brushed against his leg, and it was as if she could remember something now that she could not before.

They arrived at her abode, the great oak standing sentinel above. Moving to where her weapons leaned against the tree, she rose up upon her hind legs, placing the hat upon a high root. A front paw pushed against the living wood that sang with amber and jade tones as she landed silently upon the lush foliage that sighed with her passing. The scarf was carried near the mouth of her den where she placed it upon the earth. Turning, a brightness upon her quiet lips, the quiet melody sang, "I will take them inside, if you will bring them to me," the alto voice soft upon the air. The weariness was evident now, if not in her eyes then within her voice. The wolf had not eaten for several days, a thing her body had not required in its preparations for the whelping, but she had enough to feed the pups if only for the several hours she would take to rest. "What is it like," the alto song asked quietly, "to hold them?"


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