the hangover doesn't last [j.]
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Savina didn't take much to wearing any humane clothes, at least not in the warm months of the year. When winter had come around last year she had found herself a scarf and coat to wear to keep herself warm. In Italy there had been no winters, at least not like they were here. Here it got freezing cold and the world became blanketed in snow. That had been the roughest transition for her, getting used to the cold weather. It had taken a while for her body to adjust and grow a winter coat, so the clothing had been a necessity. Aside from that though, all she wore was the necklace her mate had given to her. She didn't look down at those who wore clothing though. It was their choice, and if they enjoyed it then they should wear it.

The Commander smiled warmly at Princess' kind offer. How sweet it was of her to want to share her clothing with her daughters. "Of course you could, I'm sure they'd like that very much! Their names are Amata and Cambria. Amata has a cream coat and one blue eye and one green. Cambria is brown with eyes that look like the water of the ocean. I'm sure you'll see them running around and they love meeting new people." Cambria did, as long as they weren't intimidating that is. But Princess was far from being intimidating. She could see the Chance girl getting along wonderfully with her pups. Savina laughed a little at her offer to have Gotham dress up if he wanted to as well. "I have a feeling he'll pass, but you never know. His name is Gotham and he has a dark coat like mine." Though she supposed she didn't need to describe them. They were the only puppies in Crimson Dreams currently.

Then things came down to business, though there wasn't much business to be considered. Princess seemed to be a perfectly good wolf and Savina wasn't about to separate a brother and sister. She knew how deep and important that bond was and she would hate to be separated from Ehno as she once had been. "Yes, you're in the pack. You'll start out as a Basic Officer. As to where you'll stay many of us stay in the mansion. There are plenty of rooms to choose from in there. But if that's not suitable then there's a cave system not far from the mansion or you could make your own den wherever it suits you." They weren't picky about where their members lived, as long as they were happy.


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