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After a moment of quiet, Haephastus regretted what he had said. It would have been easier, simpler, to have just assured her that she wasn't the only one, to have kept his personal experiences with it and the pain that it often caused him out of his voice. The situation was suddenly awkward and uncomfortable to him, even though he knew that he wasn't expected to tell her everything, he still felt bad. She had been so kind to him, shown him kindness that he hadn't expected to find in a million years, and there he was, keeping secrets from her. Chewing idly at his lips, he allowed his eyes to wander away from her a moment, staring down at his injured hand.

Her words brought comfort though, even if they stressed him slightly. She knew that it had made him uncomfortable, she probably knew that he was keeping secrets, but she had changed the subject none-the-less. "I read this one book once.." He began quietly, lifting his eyes back up to meet her face. "It was long and strange, I didn't really like it much. Kind of confusing. I think it was called the Bible?" He questioned himself, unsure of whether he had remembered the name correctly or not. "I remember reading a book when I was younger, about a man named Artorius. He was a King and had a group called the Knights of the Round table. I like things like that. And Peter Pan." He couldn't forget about Peter Pan. Captain Hook was a scoundrel.

"Ingenious." He said quietly, referring to the map that she spoke of. "I wouldn't have ever thought of doing it such a way." It would certainly help him out a bit when it came to learning the borders. "I will be sure to stop some time and see it." He assured her with a faint smile. "And to look through the library?" It was more a question, despite the fact that she had told him of it already and offered to let him look through it. "Do you read from there often?" The foreign man queried, not liking to seem as if he were talking about himself the whole time. "What do you read?" If she didn't mind answering the question in kind, of course.


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