when laziness finds respectability

........As her friend explained, and furthermore showed her the damage done to the fox, Mew could not help but be surprised, at the very least. Why would someone do something like that to a fox cub? It was one thing to attempt an easy meal if one was tired, pregnant, wounded or whatever, but pulling out its teeth was definitely not a part of hunting. It was just simply torture. Her mind wandered to her brother for a moment, knowing hoe viciously he had avenged her pups, although that was something else. That was family bonds, affection, and a want for revenge. No, she could not bring herself to believe some Dahlian had done this. Someone had to have snuck it in. Furthermore, it could be seen as a provocation, because if a person was sick enough to do this to a fox cub, then why not a wolf? Chills ran along her spine and she looked away from the poor creature, thinking. Her gaze wandered across the ground for a second or two before flying back to the fox, and up to meet Alexey's face.

........Maybe my aunt can help it, she's a medic. She could at least check for more injuries?

........Pausing, she simply looked at the face of her friend for a moment before continuing.

........Honestly... I can't believe someone in our pack could do something so horrible to that poor little creature.

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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