A Place in Displacement

The longer one lived, the more slaughter one saw. Anu had her years, had been touched by cold claws and seen those she loved fall to the jaws of the faithless and cruel. Fair was a word that Anu no longer believed in, and innocent was one that she reserved for only the rare genuine.

She was please to hear that he did not think that they belong in the same realities. The woman still regarded him as a threat, though the tension was receding from her exterior. She began to return to the familiar friend to strangers and the hope barer. Her thoughts were still dismal and cynical, but no longer did she feel an unnatural need to banish this man from her lands to satisfy her anger.

Looking sideways, catching the small glance he gave Anu smiled at him. “Is your god kind?” she asked with a voice that was soft and yet held a string of steel.


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